The Warner Slack Fund

Warner Slack was a pioneer in the field of clinical informatics, empowering patients to see their medical records and freeing up clinicians to spend more existentially useful time with their patients. With Howard Bleich, Warner created a revolutionary new division within Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center called the "Center for Clinical Computing." Throughout the years, the name of the division has changed several times, but is currently called the Division of Clinical Informatics. And this department is still innovating the way patients and doctors interact while at the same time helping to educate future generations with a fellowship program. In his honor, the Warner Slack Scholarship Fund was set up in order to support fellows during their fellowship. If you wish to help preserve Warner's teaching legacy in the Division of Clinical Informatics, you can donate to the fund below and changing the destination to the "Warner Slack Scholarship Fund. Additionally, we invite also invite you to leave a remembrance for Warner if you haven't already.