Charlie Safran

wrote on May 25, 2018

I first met Warner in 1976. At the time, he and Howard Bleich were starting to computerize the Beth Israel Hospital. He was kind and welcoming. Several years later during my residency, he and Howard published an article in the New England Journal of Medicine on PaperChase, a program to search the Biomedial literature. It was about time for me to look for a job, so I contacted Warner and to my delight he was still welcoming. After a day following them at the hospital, they asked if I would be interested in joining them to work on a new project they called PatientChase. It has been my privilege and joy to work with Warner for the last 35 years. There are lots of stories I and you can share about Warner. I will start. You might know that Warner has come into work for the last decade. Warner is always available to counsel, help, support or console. What you probably don’t know is that Warner has a “bat signal.” My office is between Warner’s office and the coffee machine. He walks past my office at least 4 times each day to get coffee. When I need Warner, I close my door except for a 1 inch gap. Within minutes I hear a knock and the door opens and life is just better.